Saturday, November 11, 2017

Vulnerability’s End

April 11, 2017

Listened to a radio program about Jim Jones and the events in Guyana nearly 40 years on. This man’s path to extinguishing almost a thousand lives, many willing and complicit, is at once darkly fascinating and frighteningly felicitous: a demagogue convinces his followers that he is the only answer; that he alone represents a greater good. That the cause is larger than just one man, bestowing a sense of morality on his loyal following. This great force of personality needn’t possess understanding of process nor of governance, only of psychology. He is a master of mental gymnastics, and will induce the flock to look past his obvious faults and naked transgressions, persuading them that criticism of him is indeed criticism of the movement itself. Your enemy, once an external force, becomes your neighbor. And you believe him. He prays upon the disadvantaged, exploiting intrinsic and chronic vulnerabilities to chimeric promises. He knows that if he can keep them poor and hungry, clinging to hope, they'll continue to need and support him. But as with Jonestown, the charade always comes to an end. And it never ends well.

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